// ==UserScript== // @name addMenuPlus.uc.js // @description 通过配置文件增加修改菜单,修复版 // @namespace http://d.hatena.ne.jp/Griever/ // @author Griever // @include main // @license MIT License // @compatibility Firefox 75+ // @charset UTF-8 // @version 2019.03.12 // @version 2019.03.20 // @startup window.addMenu.init(); // @shutdown window.addMenu.destroy(); // @config window.addMenu.edit(addMenu.FILE); // @homepageURL https://github.com/ywzhaiqi/userChromeJS/tree/master/addmenuPlus // @ohomepageURL https://github.com/Griever/userChromeJS/tree/master/addMenu // @reviewURL http://bbs.kafan.cn/thread-1554431-1-1.html // @downloadURL https://github.com/ywzhaiqi/userChromeJS/raw/master/addmenuPlus/addMenuPlus.uc.js // @note 0.1.1 Places keywords API を使うようにした // @note 0.1.0 menugroup をとりあえず利用できるようにした // @note 0.0.9 Firefox 29 の Firefox Button 廃止に伴いファイルメニューに追加するように変更 // @note 0.0.8 Firefox 25 の getShortcutOrURI 廃止に仮対応 // @note 0.0.7 Firefox 21 の Favicon 周りの変更に対応 // @note 0.0.6 Firefox 19 に合わせて修正 // @note 0.0.5 Remove E4X // @note 0.0.4 設定ファイルから CSS を追加できるようにした // @note 0.0.4 label の無い menu を splitmenu 風の動作にした // @note 0.0.4 Vista でアイコンがズレる問題を修正…したかも // @note 0.0.4 %SEL% の改行が消えてしまうのを修正 // @note 0.0.3 keyword の新しい書式で古い書式が動かない場合があったのを修正 // @note %URL_HTMLIFIED%, %EOL_ENCODE% が変換できなかったミスを修正 // @note %LINK_OR_URL% 変数を作成(リンク URL がなければページの URL を返す) // @note タブの右クリックメニューでは %URL% や %SEL% はそのタブのものを返すようにした // @note keyword で "g %URL%" のような記述を可能にした // @note ツールの再読み込みメニューの右クリックで設定ファイルを開くようにした // @note 修复支持57+ // ==/UserScript== /***** 説明 ***** ◆ 脚本说明 ◆ 通过配置文件自定义菜单 在编写的时候,参考了 Copy URL Lite+,得到了作者允许。 ・http://www.code-404.net/articles/browsers/copy-url-lite ◆ 如何使用? ◆ 配置(_addmenu.js) 文件,请放在Chrome目录下。 后缀名 .uc.js 可选。 启动后,在浏览器中加载配置文件,并添加菜单。 可以从“工具”菜单重新读取配置文件。 ◆ 格式 ◆ page, tab, too, app 関数にメニューの素となるオブジェクトを渡す。 オブジェクトのプロパティがそのまま menuitem の属性になります。 ○exec 启动外部应用程序。 パラメータは text プロパティを利用します。 自动显示该应用程序的图标。 ○keyword 指定了关键字的书签和搜索引擎。 text プロパティがあればそれを利用して検索などをします。 自动显示搜索引擎的图标。 ○text(変数が利用可能) 复制你想要的字符串到剪贴板。(Copy URL Lite+ 互換) keyword, exec があればそれらの補助に使われます。 ○url(可用的变量) 打开你想要的网址。 内容によっては自動的にアイコンが付きます。 ○where keyword, url でのページの開き方を指定できます(current, tab, tabshifted, window) 省略するとブックマークのように左クリックと中クリックを使い分けられます。 ○condition メニューを表示する条件を指定します。(Copy URL Lite+ 互換) 省略すると url や text プロパティから自動的に表示/非表示が決まります。 select, link, mailto, image, media, input, noselect, nolink, nomailto, noimage, nomedia, noinput から組み合わせて使います。 ○oncommand, command これらがある時は condition 以外の特殊なプロパティは無視されます。 ◆ サブメニュー ◆ PageMenu, TabMenu, ToolMenu, AppMenu 関数を使って自由に追加できます。 ◆ 利用可能な変数 ◆ %EOL% 改行(\r\n) %TITLE% ページタイトル %URL% URI %SEL% 選択範囲の文字列 %RLINK% リンクアンカー先の URL %IMAGE_URL% 画像の URL %IMAGE_ALT% 画像の alt 属性 %IMAGE_TITLE% 画像の title 属性 %LINK% リンクアンカー先の URL %LINK_TEXT% リンクのテキスト %RLINK_TEXT% リンクのテキスト %MEDIA_URL% メディアの URL %CLIPBOARD% クリップボードの内容 %FAVICON% Favicon の URL %EMAIL% リンク先の E-mail アドレス %HOST% ページのホスト(ドメイン) %LINK_HOST% リンクのホスト(ドメイン) %RLINK_HOST% リンクのホスト(ドメイン) %LINK_OR_URL% リンクの URL が取れなければページの URL %RLINK_OR_URL% リンクの URL が取れなければページの URL %XXX_HTMLIFIED% HTML エンコードされた上記変数(XXX → TITLE などに読み替える) %XXX_HTML% HTML エンコードされた上記変数 %XXX_ENCODE% URI エンコードされた上記変数 ◇ 簡易的な変数 ◇ %h ページのホスト(ドメイン) %i 画像の URL %l リンクの URL %m メディアの URL %p クリップボードの内容 %s 選択文字列 %t ページのタイトル %u ページの URL 基本的に Copy URL Lite+ の変数はそのまま使えます。 大文字・小文字は区別しません。 */ location.href.startsWith('chrome://browser/content/browser.x') && (function (css) { var useScraptchpad = true; // 如果不存在编辑器,则使用代码片段速记器,否则设置编辑器路径 var enableFileRefreshing = false; // 打开右键菜单时,检查配置文件是否变化,可能会减慢速度 let {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; if (window.addMenu) { window.addMenu.destroy(); delete window.addMenu; } window.addMenu = { get prefs() { delete this.prefs; return this.prefs = Services.prefs.getBranch("addMenu.") }, get FILE() { var aFile = FileUtils.getFile("UChrm", ["SubScript", "_addmenu.js"], false); if (!aFile.exists()) { saveFile(aFile, '// 这是一个 addMenuPlus 配置文件\n' + '// 请到 http://ywzhaiqi.github.io/addMenu_creator/ 生成配置文件' + '\n\n' + 'tab({\n label: "addMenuPlus 配置",\n oncommand: "addMenu.edit(addMenu.FILE);"\n});'); alert('目前 addMenuPlus 的配置文件为空,请在打开的链接中生成配置并放入配置文件。\n通过右键标签打开配置文件。'); var url = 'http://ywzhaiqi.github.io/addMenu_creator/'; openUILinkIn(url, 'tab', false, null); } this._modifiedTime = aFile.lastModifiedTime; delete this.FILE; return this.FILE = aFile; }, get focusedWindow() { return gContextMenu && gContextMenu.target ? gContextMenu.target.ownerDocument.defaultView : content; }, init: function () { let he = "(?:_HTML(?:IFIED)?|_ENCODE)?"; let rTITLE = "%TITLE" + he + "%|%t\\b"; let rTITLES = "%TITLES" + he + "%|%t\\b"; let rURL = "%(?:R?LINK_OR_)?URL" + he + "%|%u\\b"; let rHOST = "%HOST" + he + "%|%h\\b"; let rSEL = "%SEL" + he + "%|%s\\b"; let rLINK = "%R?LINK(?:_TEXT|_HOST)?" + he + "%|%l\\b"; let rIMAGE = "%IMAGE(?:_URL|_ALT|_TITLE)" + he + "%|%i\\b"; let rIMAGE_BASE64 = "%IMAGE_BASE64" + he + "%|%i\\b"; let rMEDIA = "%MEDIA_URL" + he + "%|%m\\b"; let rCLIPBOARD = "%CLIPBOARD" + he + "%|%p\\b"; let rFAVICON = "%FAVICON" + he + "%"; let rEMAIL = "%EMAIL" + he + "%"; let rExt = "%EOL" + he + "%"; let rFAVICON_BASE64 = "%FAVICON_BASE64" + he + "%"; let rRLT_OR_UT = "%RLT_OR_UT" + he + "%"; // 链接文本或网页标题 this.rTITLE = new RegExp(rTITLE, "i"); this.rTITLES = new RegExp(rTITLES, "i"); this.rURL = new RegExp(rURL, "i"); this.rHOST = new RegExp(rHOST, "i"); this.rSEL = new RegExp(rSEL, "i"); this.rLINK = new RegExp(rLINK, "i"); this.rIMAGE = new RegExp(rIMAGE, "i"); this.rMEDIA = new RegExp(rMEDIA, "i"); this.rCLIPBOARD = new RegExp(rCLIPBOARD, "i"); this.rFAVICON = new RegExp(rFAVICON, "i"); this.rEMAIL = new RegExp(rEMAIL, "i"); this.rExt = new RegExp(rExt, "i"); this.rFAVICON_BASE64 = new RegExp(rFAVICON_BASE64, "i"); this.rIMAGE_BASE64 = new RegExp(rIMAGE_BASE64, "i"); this.rRLT_OR_UT = new RegExp(rRLT_OR_UT, "i"); this.regexp = new RegExp( [rTITLE, rTITLES, rURL, rHOST, rSEL, rLINK, rIMAGE, rIMAGE_BASE64, rMEDIA, rCLIPBOARD, rFAVICON, rFAVICON_BASE64, rEMAIL, rExt, rRLT_OR_UT].join("|"), "ig"); var ins; ins = $("context-viewsource"); ins.parentNode.insertBefore( $C("menuseparator", {id: "addMenu-page-insertpoint", class: "addMenu-insert-point"}), ins.nextSibling); ins = $("context_closeTab"); ins.parentNode.insertBefore( $C("menuseparator", {id: "addMenu-tab-insertpoint", class: "addMenu-insert-point"}), ins.nextSibling); ins = $("prefSep") || $("webDeveloperMenu"); ins.parentNode.insertBefore( $C("menuseparator", {id: "addMenu-tool-insertpoint", class: "addMenu-insert-point"}), ins.nextSibling); ins = $("appmenu-quit") || $("menu_FileQuitItem"); ins.parentNode.insertBefore( $C("menuseparator", {id: "addMenu-app-insertpoint", class: "addMenu-insert-point"}), ins); ins = $("devToolsSeparator"); ins.parentNode.insertBefore($C("menuitem", { id: "addMenu-rebuild", label: "AddMenuPlus", tooltiptext: "左键:重载配置\n右键:编辑配置", oncommand: "setTimeout(function(){ addMenu.rebuild(true); }, 10);", onclick: "if (event.button == 2) { event.preventDefault(); addMenu.edit(addMenu.FILE); }", }), ins); $("contentAreaContextMenu").addEventListener("popupshowing", this, false); $("tabContextMenu").addEventListener("popupshowing", this, false); $("menu_ToolsPopup").addEventListener("popupshowing", this, false); this.style = addStyle(css); this.rebuild(); }, uninit: function () { $("contentAreaContextMenu").removeEventListener("popupshowing", this, false); $("tabContextMenu").removeEventListener("popupshowing", this, false); $("menu_ToolsPopup").removeEventListener("popupshowing", this, false); }, destroy: function () { this.uninit(); this.removeMenuitem(); $$('#addMenu-rebuild, .addMenu-insert-point').forEach(function (e) { e.parentNode.removeChild(e) }); if (this.style && this.style.parentNode) this.style.parentNode.removeChild(this.style); if (this.style2 && this.style2.parentNode) this.style2.parentNode.removeChild(this.style2); }, handleEvent: function (event) { switch (event.type) { case "popupshowing": if (event.target != event.currentTarget) return; if (enableFileRefreshing) { this.updateModifiedFile(); } if (event.target.id == 'contentAreaContextMenu') { var state = []; if (gContextMenu.onTextInput) state.push("input"); if (gContextMenu.isContentSelected || gContextMenu.isTextSelected) state.push("select"); if (gContextMenu.onLink) state.push(gContextMenu.onMailtoLink ? "mailto" : "link"); if (gContextMenu.onCanvas) state.push("canvas image"); if (gContextMenu.onImage) state.push("image"); if (gContextMenu.onVideo || gContextMenu.onAudio) state.push("media"); event.currentTarget.setAttribute("addMenu", state.join(" ")); this.customShowings.forEach(function (obj) { var curItem = obj.item; try { eval('(' + obj.fnSource + ').call(curItem, curItem)'); } catch (ex) { console.error('addMenuPlus 自定义显示错误', obj.fnSource); } }); } break; } }, updateModifiedFile: function () { if (!this.FILE.exists()) return; if (this._modifiedTime != this.FILE.lastModifiedTime) { this._modifiedTime = this.FILE.lastModifiedTime; setTimeout(function () { addMenu.rebuild(true); }, 10); } }, onCommand: function (event) { var menuitem = event.target; var text = menuitem.getAttribute("text") || ""; var keyword = menuitem.getAttribute("keyword") || ""; var url = menuitem.getAttribute("url") || ""; var where = menuitem.getAttribute("where") || ""; var exec = menuitem.getAttribute("exec") || ""; if (keyword) { let param = (text ? (text = this.convertText(text)) : ""); let engine = Services.search.getEngineByAlias(keyword); if (engine) { let submission = engine.getSubmission(param); this.openCommand(event, submission.uri.spec, where); } else { PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(keyword || '').then(entry => { if (!entry) return; // 文字化けの心配が… let newurl = entry.url.href.replace('%s', encodeURIComponent(param)); this.openCommand(event, newurl, where); }); } } else if (url) this.openCommand(event, this.convertText(url), where); else if (exec) this.exec(exec, this.convertText(text)); else if (text) this.copy(this.convertText(text)); }, openCommand: function (event, url, where, postData) { var uri; try { uri = Services.io.newURI(url, null, null); } catch (e) { return this.log(U("URL 不正确: ") + url); } if (uri.scheme === "javascript") loadURI(url); else if (where) openUILinkIn(uri.spec, where, false, postData || null); else if (event.button == 1) openNewTabWith(uri.spec); else openUILink(uri.spec, event); }, exec: function (path, arg) { var file = Cc['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile); var process = Cc['@mozilla.org/process/util;1'].createInstance(Ci.nsIProcess); try { var a; if (typeof arg == 'string' || arg instanceof String) { a = arg.split(/\s+/) } else if (Array.isArray(arg)) { a = arg; } else { a = [arg]; } file.initWithPath(path); if (!file.exists()) { Cu.reportError('File Not Found: ' + path); return; } if (file.isExecutable()) { process.init(file); process.runw(false, a, a.length); } else { file.launch(); } } catch (e) { this.log(e); } }, handleRelativePath: function (path) { if (path) { path = path.replace(/\//g, '\\').toLocaleLowerCase(); var ffdir = Cc['@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties).get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile).path; if (/^(\\)/.test(path)) { return ffdir + path; } else { return path; } } }, rebuild: function (isAlert) { var aFile = this.FILE; if (!aFile || !aFile.exists() || !aFile.isFile()) { this.log(aFile ? aFile.path : U("配置文件") + U(" 不存在")); return; } var aiueo = [ {current: "page", submenu: "PageMenu", insertId: "addMenu-page-insertpoint"}, {current: "tab", submenu: "TabMenu", insertId: "addMenu-tab-insertpoint"}, {current: "tool", submenu: "ToolMenu", insertId: "addMenu-tool-insertpoint"}, {current: "app", submenu: "AppMenu", insertId: "addMenu-app-insertpoint"}, {current: "group", submenu: "GroupMenu", insertId: "addMenu-page-insertpoint"}, ]; var data = loadText(aFile); var sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(new XPCNativeWrapper(window)); sandbox.Components = Components; sandbox.Cc = Cc; sandbox.Ci = Ci; sandbox.Cr = Cr; sandbox.Cu = Cu; sandbox.Services = Services; try{ sandbox.locale = Services.prefs.getCharPref("general.useragent.locale","zh-CN"); }catch(e){ } var includeSrc = ""; sandbox.include = function (aLeafName) { var data = loadFile(aLeafName); if (data) includeSrc += data + "\n"; }; sandbox._css = []; aiueo.forEach(function ({current, submenu}) { sandbox["_" + current] = []; if (submenu != 'GroupMenu') { sandbox[current] = function (itemObj) { ps(itemObj, sandbox["_" + current]); } } sandbox[submenu] = function (menuObj) { if (!menuObj) menuObj = {}; menuObj._items = []; if (submenu == 'GroupMenu') menuObj._group = true; sandbox["_" + current].push(menuObj); return function (itemObj) { ps(itemObj, menuObj._items); } } }, this); function ps(item, array) { ("join" in item && "unshift" in item) ? [].push.apply(array, item) : array.push(item); } try { var lineFinder = new Error(); Cu.evalInSandbox("function css(code){ this._css.push(code+'') };\n" + data, sandbox, "1.8"); Cu.evalInSandbox(includeSrc, sandbox, "1.8"); } catch (e) { let line = e.lineNumber - lineFinder.lineNumber - 1; this.alert(e + "\n请重新检查配置文件第 " + line + " 行", null, function () { addMenu.edit(addMenu.FILE, line); }); return this.log(e); } if (this.style2 && this.style2.parentNode) this.style2.parentNode.removeChild(this.style2); if (sandbox._css.length) this.style2 = addStyle(sandbox._css.join("\n")); this.removeMenuitem(); this.customShowings = []; aiueo.forEach(function ({current, submenu, insertId}) { if (!sandbox["_" + current] || sandbox["_" + current].length == 0) return; let insertPoint = $(insertId); this.createMenuitem(sandbox["_" + current], insertPoint); }, this); if (isAlert) this.alert(U("配置已经重新载入")); }, newGroupMenu: function (menuObj) { var group = document.createXULElement('menugroup'); Object.keys(menuObj).map(function (key) { var val = menuObj[key]; if (key === "_items") return; if (key === "_group") return; if (typeof val == "function") menuObj[key] = val = "(" + val.toString() + ").call(this, event);"; group.setAttribute(key, val); }, this); let cls = group.classList; cls.add('addMenu'); // 表示 / 非表示の設定 if (menuObj.condition) this.setCondition(group, menuObj.condition); menuObj._items.forEach(function (obj) { group.appendChild(this.newMenuitem(obj, {isMenuGroup: true})); }, this); return group; }, newMenu: function (menuObj) { if (menuObj._group) { return this.newGroupMenu(menuObj); } var menu = document.createXULElement("menu"); var popup = menu.appendChild(document.createXULElement("menupopup")); for (let key in menuObj) { let val = menuObj[key]; if (key === "_items") continue; if (key === 'onshowing') { this.customShowings.push({ item: menu, fnSource: menuObj.onshowing.toString() }); delete menuObj.onshowing; continue; } if (typeof val == "function") menuObj[key] = val = "(" + val.toString() + ").call(this, event);" menu.setAttribute(key, val); } let cls = menu.classList; cls.add("addMenu"); cls.add("menu-iconic"); // 表示 / 非表示の設定 if (menuObj.condition) this.setCondition(menu, menuObj.condition); menuObj._items.forEach(function (obj) { popup.appendChild(this.newMenuitem(obj)); }, this); // menu に label が無い場合、最初の menuitem の label 等を持ってくる // menu 部分をクリックで実行できるようにする(splitmenu みたいな感じ) if (!menu.hasAttribute('label')) { let firstItem = menu.querySelector('menuitem'); if (firstItem) { let command = firstItem.getAttribute('command'); if (command) firstItem = document.getElementById(command) || firstItem; ['label', 'accesskey', 'image', 'icon'].forEach(function (n) { if (!menu.hasAttribute(n) && firstItem.hasAttribute(n)) menu.setAttribute(n, firstItem.getAttribute(n)); }, this); menu.setAttribute('onclick', "\ if (event.target != event.currentTarget) return;\ var firstItem = event.currentTarget.querySelector('menuitem');\ if (!firstItem) return;\ if (event.button === 1) {\ checkForMiddleClick(firstItem, event);\ } else {\ firstItem.doCommand();\ closeMenus(event.currentTarget);\ }\ "); } } return menu; }, newMenuitem: function (obj, opt) { opt || (opt = {}); var menuitem; // label == separator か必要なプロパティが足りない場合は区切りとみなす if (obj.label === "separator" || (!obj.label && !obj.image && !obj.text && !obj.keyword && !obj.url && !obj.oncommand && !obj.command)) { menuitem = document.createXULElement("menuseparator"); } else if (obj.oncommand || obj.command) { let org = obj.command ? document.getElementById(obj.command) : null; if (org && org.localName === "menuseparator") { menuitem = document.createXULElement("menuseparator"); } else { menuitem = document.createXULElement("menuitem"); if (obj.command) menuitem.setAttribute("command", obj.command); if (!obj.label) obj.label = obj.command || obj.oncommand; } } else { menuitem = document.createXULElement("menuitem"); // property fix if (!obj.label) obj.label = obj.exec || obj.keyword || obj.url || obj.text; if (obj.keyword && !obj.text) { let index = obj.keyword.search(/\s+/); if (index > 0) { obj.text = obj.keyword.substr(index).trim(); obj.keyword = obj.keyword.substr(0, index); } } if (obj.where && /\b(tab|tabshifted|window|current)\b/i.test(obj.where)) obj.where = RegExp.$1.toLowerCase(); if (obj.where && !("acceltext" in obj)) obj.acceltext = obj.where; if (!obj.condition && (obj.url || obj.text)) { // 表示 / 非表示の自動設定 let condition = ""; if (this.rSEL.test(obj.url || obj.text)) condition += " select"; if (this.rLINK.test(obj.url || obj.text)) condition += " link"; if (this.rEMAIL.test(obj.url || obj.text)) condition += " mailto"; if (this.rIMAGE.test(obj.url || obj.text)) condition += " image"; if (this.rMEDIA.test(obj.url || obj.text)) condition += " media"; if (condition) obj.condition = condition; } if (obj.exec) { obj.exec = this.handleRelativePath(obj.exec); } } // 右键第一层菜单添加 onpopupshowing 事件 if (opt.isTopMenuitem && obj.onshowing) { this.customShowings.push({ item: menuitem, fnSource: obj.onshowing.toString() }); delete obj.onshowing; } for (let key in obj) { let val = obj[key]; if (key === "command") continue; if (typeof val == "function") obj[key] = val = "(" + val.toString() + ").call(this, event);"; menuitem.setAttribute(key, val); } /** obj を属性にする for (let [key, val] in Iterator(obj)) { if (key === "command") continue; if (typeof val == "function") obj[key] = val = "(" + val.toString() + ").call(this, event);"; menuitem.setAttribute(key, val); }**/ var cls = menuitem.classList; cls.add("addMenu"); cls.add("menuitem-iconic"); // 表示 / 非表示の設定 if (obj.condition) this.setCondition(menuitem, obj.condition); // separator はここで終了 if (menuitem.localName == "menuseparator") return menuitem; if (!obj.onclick) menuitem.setAttribute("onclick", "checkForMiddleClick(this, event)"); // 给 MenuGroup 的菜单加上 tooltiptext if (opt.isMenuGroup && !obj.tooltiptext && obj.label) { menuitem.setAttribute('tooltiptext', obj.label); } // oncommand, command はここで終了 if (obj.oncommand || obj.command) return menuitem; menuitem.setAttribute("oncommand", "addMenu.onCommand(event);"); // 可能ならばアイコンを付ける this.setIcon(menuitem, obj); return menuitem; }, createMenuitem: function (itemArray, insertPoint) { var chldren = $A(insertPoint.parentNode.children); //Symbol.iterator for (let obj of itemArray) { if (!obj) continue; let menuitem; // clone menuitem and set attribute if (obj.id && (menuitem = $(obj.id))) { let dupMenuitem; let isDupMenu = (obj.clone != false); if (isDupMenu) { dupMenuitem = menuitem.cloneNode(true); // 隐藏原菜单 // menuitem.classList.add("addMenuHide"); } else { dupMenuitem = menuitem; } for (let key in obj) { let val = obj[key]; if (typeof val == "function") obj[key] = val = "(" + val.toString() + ").call(this, event);"; dupMenuitem.setAttribute(key, val); } // 如果没有则添加 menuitem-iconic 或 menu-iconic,给菜单添加图标用。 let type = dupMenuitem.nodeName, cls = dupMenuitem.classList; if (type == 'menuitem' || type == 'menu') if (!cls.contains(type + '-iconic')) cls.add(type + '-iconic'); if (!cls.contains('addMenu')) cls.add('addMenu'); if (!isDupMenu && !cls.contains('addMenuNot')) cls.add('addMenuNot'); // // 没有插入位置的默认放在原来那个菜单的后面 // if(isDupMenu && !obj.insertAfter && !obj.insertBefore && !obj.position){ // obj.insertAfter = obj.id; // } let noMove = !isDupMenu; insertMenuItem(obj, dupMenuitem, noMove); continue; } menuitem = obj._items ? this.newMenu(obj) : this.newMenuitem(obj, {isTopMenuitem: true}); insertMenuItem(obj, menuitem); } function insertMenuItem(obj, menuitem, noMove) { let ins; if (obj.insertAfter && (ins = $(obj.insertAfter))) { ins.parentNode.insertBefore(menuitem, ins.nextSibling); return; } if (obj.insertBefore && (ins = $(obj.insertBefore))) { ins.parentNode.insertBefore(menuitem, ins); return; } if (obj.position && parseInt(obj.position, 10) > 0) { (ins = chldren[parseInt(obj.position, 10) - 1]) ? ins.parentNode.insertBefore(menuitem, ins) : insertPoint.parentNode.appendChild(menuitem); return; } if (!noMove) { insertPoint.parentNode.insertBefore(menuitem, insertPoint); } } }, removeMenuitem: function () { var remove = function (e) { if (e.classList.contains('addMenuNot')) return; e.parentNode.removeChild(e); }; $$('menu.addMenu, menugroup.addMenu').forEach(remove); $$('.addMenu').forEach(remove); // 恢复原隐藏菜单 $$('.addMenuHide').forEach(function (e) { e.classList.remove('addMenuHide'); }); }, setIcon: function (menu, obj) { if (menu.hasAttribute("src") || menu.hasAttribute("image") || menu.hasAttribute("icon")) return; if (obj.exec) { var aFile = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile); try { aFile.initWithPath(obj.exec); } catch (e) { return; } // if (!aFile.exists() || !aFile.isExecutable()) { if (!aFile.exists()) { menu.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } else { let fileURL = Services.io.getProtocolHandler("file").QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileProtocolHandler).getURLSpecFromFile(aFile); menu.setAttribute("image", "moz-icon://" + fileURL + "?size=16"); } return; } if (obj.keyword) { let engine = Services.search.getEngineByAlias(obj.keyword); if (engine && engine.iconURI) { menu.setAttribute("image", engine.iconURI.spec); return; } } var setIconCallback = function (url) { let uri, iconURI; try { uri = Services.io.newURI(url, null, null); } catch (e) { } if (!uri) return; menu.setAttribute("scheme", uri.scheme); PlacesUtils.favicons.getFaviconDataForPage(uri, { onComplete: function (aURI, aDataLen, aData, aMimeType) { try { // javascript: URI の host にアクセスするとエラー menu.setAttribute("image", aURI && aURI.spec ? "moz-anno:favicon:" + aURI.spec : "moz-anno:favicon:" + uri.scheme + "://" + uri.host + "/favicon.ico"); } catch (e) { } } }); } PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(obj.keyword || '').then(entry => { let url; if (entry) { url = entry.url.href; } else { url = (obj.url + '').replace(this.regexp, ""); } setIconCallback(url); }, e => { console.log(e) }).catch(e => { }); }, setCondition: function (menu, condition) { if (/\bnormal\b/i.test(condition)) { menu.setAttribute("condition", "normal"); } else { let match = condition.toLowerCase().match(/\b(?:no)?(?:select|link|mailto|image|canvas|media|input)\b/ig); if (!match || !match[0]) return; match = match.filter(function (c, i, a) { return a.indexOf(c) === i }); menu.setAttribute("condition", match.join(" ")); } }, convertText: function (text) { var that = this; var context = gContextMenu || { // とりあえずエラーにならないようにオブジェクトをでっち上げる link: {href: "", host: ""}, target: {alt: "", title: ""}, __noSuchMethod__: function (id, args) { return "" }, }; let tab = document.popupNode ? TabContextMenu.contextTab : null; var bw = (tab && tab.linkedBrowser)||context.browser; return text.replace(this.regexp, function (str) { str = str.toUpperCase().replace("%LINK", "%RLINK"); if (str.indexOf("_HTMLIFIED") >= 0) return htmlEscape(convert(str.replace("_HTMLIFIED", ""))); if (str.indexOf("_HTML") >= 0) return htmlEscape(convert(str.replace("_HTML", ""))); if (str.indexOf("_ENCODE") >= 0) return encodeURIComponent(convert(str.replace("_ENCODE", ""))); return convert(str); }); function convert(str) { switch (str) { case "%T" : return bw.contentTitle; case "%TITLE%" : return bw.contentTitle; case "%TITLES%" : return bw.contentTitle.replace(/\s-\s.*/i, "").replace(/_[^\[\]【】]+$/, ""); case "%U" : return bw.documentURI.spec; case "%URL%" : return bw.documentURI.spec; case "%H" : return bw.documentURI.spec; case "%HOST%" : return bw.documentURI.spec; case "%S" : return context.textSelected || ""; case "%SEL%" : return context.textSelected || ""; case "%L" : return context.linkURL || ""; case "%RLINK%" : return context.linkURL || ""; case "%RLINK_HOST%" : return context.link.host || ""; case "%RLINK_TEXT%" : return context.linkText() || ""; case "%RLINK_OR_URL%": return context.linkURL || bw.documentURI.spec; case "%RLT_OR_UT%" : return context.onLink && context.linkText() || bw.contentTitle; // 链接文本或网页标题 case "%IMAGE_ALT%" : return context.target.alt || ""; case "%IMAGE_TITLE%" : return context.target.title || ""; case "%I" : return context.imageURL || ""; case "%IMAGE_URL%" : return context.imageURL || ""; case "%IMAGE_BASE64%": return img2base64(context.imageURL); case "%M" : return context.mediaURL || ""; case "%MEDIA_URL%" : return context.mediaURL || ""; case "%P" : return readFromClipboard() || ""; case "%CLIPBOARD%" : return readFromClipboard() || ""; case "%FAVICON%" : return gBrowser.getIcon(tab ? tab : null) || ""; case "%FAVICON_BASE64%" : return img2base64(gBrowser.getIcon(tab ? tab : null)); case "%EMAIL%" : return getEmailAddress() || ""; case "%EOL%" : return "\r\n"; } return str; } function htmlEscape(s) { return (s + "").replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/" + copyLabel + ""); // make a copy of the Unicode var str = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString); if (!str) return false; // couldn't get string obj str.data = textUnicode; // unicode string? // make a copy of the HTML var htmlstring = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString); if (!htmlstring) return false; // couldn't get string obj htmlstring.data = textHtml; // add Unicode & HTML flavors to the transferable widget var trans = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITransferable); if (!trans) return false; //no transferable widget found trans.addDataFlavor("text/unicode"); trans.setTransferData("text/unicode", str, textUnicode.length * 2); // *2 because it's unicode trans.addDataFlavor("text/html"); trans.setTransferData("text/html", htmlstring, textHtml.length * 2); // *2 because it's unicode // copy the transferable widget! var clipboard = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboard;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard); if (!clipboard) return false; // couldn't get the clipboard clipboard.setData(trans, null, Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard); return true; }, alert: function (aMsg, aTitle, aCallback) { var callback = aCallback ? { observe: function (subject, topic, data) { if ("alertclickcallback" != topic) return; aCallback.call(null); } } : null; var alertsService = Cc["@mozilla.org/alerts-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIAlertsService); alertsService.showAlertNotification( "chrome://global/skin/icons/information-32.png", aTitle || "addMenu", aMsg + "", !!callback, "", callback); }, $$: function (exp, context, aPartly) { context || (context = this.focusedWindow.document); var doc = context.ownerDocument || context; var elements = $$(exp, doc); if (arguments.length <= 2) return elements; var sel = doc.defaultView.getSelection(); return elements.filter(function (q) { return sel.containsNode(q, aPartly) }); }, log: log, }; window.addMenu.init(); function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function $$(exp, doc) { return Array.prototype.slice.call((doc || document).querySelectorAll(exp)); } function $A(args) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(args); } function log() { Application.console.log(Array.slice(arguments)); } function U(text) { return 1 < 'あ'.length ? decodeURIComponent(escape(text)) : text }; function $C(name, attr) { var el = document.createXULElement(name); if (attr) Object.keys(attr).forEach(function (n) { el.setAttribute(n, attr[n]) }); return el; } function loadText(aFile) { var fstream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream); var sstream = Cc["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream); fstream.init(aFile, -1, 0, 0); sstream.init(fstream); var data = sstream.read(sstream.available()); try { data = decodeURIComponent(escape(data)); } catch (e) { } sstream.close(); fstream.close(); return data; } function loadFile(aLeafName) { var aFile = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIDirectoryService) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIProperties) .get('UChrm', Ci.nsIFile); aFile.appendRelativePath(aLeafName); if (!aFile.exists() || !aFile.isFile()) return null; var fstream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream); var sstream = Cc["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream); fstream.init(aFile, -1, 0, 0); sstream.init(fstream); var data = sstream.read(sstream.available()); try { data = decodeURIComponent(escape(data)); } catch (e) { } sstream.close(); fstream.close(); return data; } function addStyle(css) { var pi = document.createProcessingInstruction( 'xml-stylesheet', 'type="text/css" href="data:text/css;utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(css) + '"' ); return document.insertBefore(pi, document.documentElement); } function saveFile(fileOrName, data) { var file; if (typeof fileOrName == "string") { file = Services.dirsvc.get('UChrm', Ci.nsIFile); file.appendRelativePath(fileOrName); } else { file = fileOrName; } var suConverter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"].createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter); suConverter.charset = 'UTF-8'; data = suConverter.ConvertFromUnicode(data); var foStream = Cc['@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1'].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileOutputStream); foStream.init(file, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x20, 0664, 0); foStream.write(data, data.length); foStream.close(); } })('\ .addMenuHide\ { display: none !important; }\ \ #contentAreaContextMenu:not([addMenu~="select"]) .addMenu[condition~="select"],\ #contentAreaContextMenu:not([addMenu~="link"]) .addMenu[condition~="link"],\ #contentAreaContextMenu:not([addMenu~="mailto"]) .addMenu[condition~="mailto"],\ #contentAreaContextMenu:not([addMenu~="image"]) .addMenu[condition~="image"],\ #contentAreaContextMenu:not([addMenu~="canvas"]) .addMenu[condition~="canvas"],\ #contentAreaContextMenu:not([addMenu~="media"]) .addMenu[condition~="media"],\ #contentAreaContextMenu:not([addMenu~="input"]) .addMenu[condition~="input"],\ #contentAreaContextMenu[addMenu~="select"] .addMenu[condition~="noselect"],\ #contentAreaContextMenu[addMenu~="link"] .addMenu[condition~="nolink"],\ #contentAreaContextMenu[addMenu~="mailto"] .addMenu[condition~="nomailto"],\ #contentAreaContextMenu[addMenu~="image"] .addMenu[condition~="noimage"],\ #contentAreaContextMenu[addMenu~="canvas"] .addMenu[condition~="nocanvas"],\ #contentAreaContextMenu[addMenu~="media"] .addMenu[condition~="nomedia"],\ #contentAreaContextMenu[addMenu~="input"] .addMenu[condition~="noinput"],\ #contentAreaContextMenu:not([addMenu=""]) .addMenu[condition~="normal"]\ { display: none; }\ \ .addMenu-insert-point\ { display: none !important; }\ \ \ .addMenu[url] {\ list-style-image: url("chrome://mozapps/skin/places/defaultFavicon.png");\ }\ \ .addMenu.exec,\ .addMenu[exec] {\ list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/aboutSessionRestore-window-icon.png");\ }\ \ .addMenu.copy,\ menuitem.addMenu[text]:not([url]):not([keyword]):not([exec])\ {\ list-style-image: url();\ -moz-image-region: rect(0pt, 32px, 16px, 16px);\ }\ \ .addMenu.checkbox .menu-iconic-icon {\ -moz-appearance: checkbox;\ }\ \ .addMenu > .menu-iconic-left {\ -moz-appearance: menuimage;\ }\ \ menugroup.addMenu {\ background-color: menu;\ padding-bottom: 4px;\ }\ menugroup.addMenu > .menuitem-iconic {\ -moz-box-flex: 1;\ -moz-box-pack: center;\ -moz-box-align: center;\ }\ menugroup.addMenu > .menuitem-iconic > .menu-iconic-left {\ -moz-appearance: none;\ }\ menugroup.addMenu > .menuitem-iconic > .menu-iconic-left > .menu-iconic-icon {\ width: 16px;\ height: 16px;\ margin: 7px;\ }\ menugroup.addMenu > .menuitem-iconic > .menu-iconic-text,\ menugroup.addMenu > .menuitem-iconic > .menu-accel-container {\ display: none;\ }\ ');